What are the opening hours? 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM for Dinner
Is the restaurant open everyday of the week? Yes, we are open all week. Schedule could change without prior notice.
Does the restaurant accept large parties? Subject to approval. Please call +52 984 122 4999 for more information or contact olga.munoz@editionhotels.com for social and group events over 10 people.
Are reservations required? Yes, KI'IS offers reservations through OpenTable.
How can I make a reservation? You can make your reservation with our guest service department and through OpenTable.
Can I attend the restaurant without being a guest at the hotel?Yes, we welcome our guests as well as the local community. You can make your reservation through OpenTable.
Do you provide a vegetarian or vegan option or alternative dishes for guests that that have dietary requirements? Our restaurants offer vegetarian options and are able to accommodate all dietary needs to ensure the best experience in each of our restaurants.
Is there a dress code required? Yes, casual elegant.
Are pets allowed? Only service dogs, pets are not allowed.
Is the restaurant open on public holidays? Yes, KI'IS is open on public holidays. However, reservations are open to availability.
Can I make a last-minute booking? Yes, under availability.
Are there choices for children on the menu? Kids menu available at KI'IS under request.
What is the tolerance time given? 15 minutes
Where can I see your menu? You can contact your concierge for more details on the restaurants menus to ed.cunek.cc@marriott.com or check the menu on this website clicking on the Menu tab.